Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Harvest Moon Roleplay? (Group)

It all started with a farm.

After a factory accident, a man named Terrence Miles decided that he had quite enough of the big city. With that thought in mind, he moved his family out to the countryside. Following in his great-grandfather's footsteps, he started the Lucky Dice Farm (Yes, he was a gambler). For a few harvests, things were tough. It was just him and his wife, his two sons and his daughter, working the farm, traveling back and forth to the city, and running everything.

After a few seasons, a trading post opened. Now that other people did the trading and shipping, the farm got even more prosperous. The farm was able to just focus on producing crops,and as such, it made a surplus. A tavern/inn was built nearby, so the traders had a place to stay and three hot meals a day.

Each new addition to the town built upon the success of the farm, which built on the success of the town. The town started to appear on maps, marked as Everdale (named so for the Evergreen trees that covered the surrounding area.) This was the definition of "bustling rural town". For many generations, the town thrived.

However, roughly twenty years ago, Maxwell Miles' (Great-great-grandson of Terrence Miles) wife came down with an illness that the town doctor couldn't figure out. With a heavy heart, he closed his father's farm for the year, so his wife could get better. They then left for the city, which was bound to have a doctor who could help. They swore that they would be back as soon as she was better.

They never returned.

The town kept going for a while, but the farm was the central economic power for the town. With it shut down, the town started to die. People moved away. The trading post shut down. The supermarket became poor and only sold what the citizens needed. The tavern shut down. And soon the town was empty, save the few old people who had clung to hope that the town would be restored.

Again, that was twenty years ago. But perhaps it's time that Everdale rises from the ashes. After all, someone just bought the once proud farm. They'll have their work cut out for them if they want to bring it back...
Hello! This is a Harvest Moon roleplay, as you've noticed. Basically just a slice-of-life sort of thing, it will, in the spirit of Harvest Moon, have romantic interests, friends, enemies, weddings - what you will. This is not my idea nor is it the first recreation of it, but I haven't see it on this site and I've been craving a Harvest Moon roleplay for quite a while. You don't even have to have played any of the games - you just have to know the general idea (i.e. Harvest Goddess, etc)

I'm hoping there will be at least five people expressing interest in it. If so, I'll get a proper OOC up and attempt to rally a Co-Mod into submission. I haven't anyone in mind as of yet. Character spots open will be as follows. I'd like to mention this is a non-exhaustive list and if we fill up all the spots, we simply add more. (:

City Hall
Mayor ~
Secretary ~

Farmer ~
Farm Hand ~

Ranch Keeper ~
Ranch Hand ~

Mine Owner ~
Miner ~
Miner ~

Priest ~
Gravekeeper ~

Baker ~

Manager ~

Ma?tre ~
Aide ~

Barkeep ~
Maid ~

Smith ~
Apprentice ~

Librarian ~

Proprietor ~
Clerk ~

Doctor ~
Nurse ~

Lumberjack and Carpenter
Handyman ~
Assistant ~

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/lhYYlAO88t4/viewtopic.php

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